Eat Alberta 2012

*FOREWORD- I chose photos, best of my abilities, to not include participants but only the presenters. If any of the presenters are not comfortable with their images on my page, please send me an email at

For businesses/commercial uses, please contact me for a licensing agreement. However, if you would like to use any photos taken from Eat Alberta Conference for personal use, please shoot me an email and include full credit/link back to me from your personal site. Thanks for your understanding.

Also: Visit my Portfolio! MakiB Photography


Yes, get ready to SCROLL! I apologize but it is REALLY hard to show only a few photos when you took as MANY as I did so this blogpost is a long one! For more information on all these great presenters, please follow the links or go to the Eat Alberta site for more information on all the amazing presenters.

The second annual Eat Alberta conference was held at NAIT. It was a wonderful venue for all the seminar. The conference started with breakfast at Ernest's dining hall followed by Keynote presentation by Shannon and Danny Ruzicka, farmers of Nature's Green Acres.

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Then the different sessions broke out. 2 sessions before lunch and then 2 afterwords. Whether it was a tasting/learning session or a hand-on session, there was a lot going on in the kitchens and classrooms at NAIT!

Blair Lebsack – Chef and Instructor at NAIT: Cooking with rabbit and bison sessions
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Allan Suddaby - Chef: Artisan Sausage making

Kathryn Joel - Chef & Owner of Get Cooking Edmonton: artisan pasta & gnocchi sessions
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I was grateful that all the sessions were close in proximity. I hopped from classroom to classroom and to the various sessions within the the NAIT kitchens.

Martin Osis: Forager & mycologist: Foraging mushrooms session
Rick Barr: farmer and wine producer: Fruit wine tasting session
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Jason Foster: Beer writer - Local Beer tasting session

Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. Elbow deep in sourdough, sipping back various wines and beers or listening to what mushrooms you must avoid!

Owen Petersen: Baker & Owner of Prairie Mill Bread - Sourdough 101 sessionEat Alberta 5
Alan Roote – Chef: Artisan cheese making

I had never made cheese myself so everytime I popped back into the cheesemaking session, it was really wonderful to see how they progressed from milk to beautiful mozzarella balls.

Amy Beaith: Operation Fruit Rescue Edmonton - Preserving sessions
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Lunch was prepared by the wonderful chefs at NAIT and it was a great time to hear how people enjoyed their sessions. But then everyone was back again to more learning. I have to say thoroughly enjoyed the event and I didn't even partake in any of the sessions!

Lola Canola: Patty Milligan, beekeeper - Honey Tasting
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Nigel Webber – Chef and Instructor at NAIT: Alberta Cheese Tasting

Meeting new people and other foodies as well as meeting face to face the many other food bloggers and twitterites I chat with every week was a lot of fun.

Elaine Wilson - Chef: Allium Food Works - Salad rolls & Spring roll sessions
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Knifewear- Kevin Kent: Knife sharpening & knife skills sessions

I can see how much fun this event would be to go with a friend or partner. I wouldn't bat my eyelash twice about attending solo as I saw quite a few folks did.

Mirabelle Macarons - Connie Nelson: Macaron basics
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How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse forum: Shannon Ruzicka, my Beaith, Kevin Kossowan, Jeff Senger, Allan Suddaby
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After all of the excitement, there was a "Wine Down" of local food tastes and wine samples presented by Gold Forest Grains and Mighty Trio Organics. Also, a thanks to The Italian Centre for being the event sponsor.

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Link hungry still? Here are posts of the event by other bloggers!

Adding more as I discover them. Feel free to email me if I didn't link you!
