Tangerines Still Life
Haven't had much energy to cook and bake around here. But, went to the Italian Centre and saw these beautiful tangerines with stem and leaves still intact. I couldn't stop looking at them there and even once we brought them home I kept staring at them. Their beautiful color and smell reminds me of warm locales and summer.
My daughter tells me my favorite color is orange. I didn't think I had a favorite color but apparently I do. Though, red almost ties for first place too she points out. I have to concur. I love orange and red and you will find hits of these colors throughout my home. I often find I gravitate toward punches of orange in my summer clothing as well. So funny that others can point out something about you that is literally in front of your nose and didn't realize.

My father told me a story that one time St. Nicholas came at Christmas to their home and left an orange on his windowsill as a gift and when he awoke to see it, it was an sight to behold. I believe it. To live with very little means and then have this beautiful citrus show up for you as a gift, well, I wish we all could take joy in the simplest of things.
How could you not with these beauties.
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