Amaretti Cookies

Amaretti Cookies

Last week, I made some mint chocolate chip cream with a big batch of mint I have growing on my kitchen windowsill and I was left with egg whites sitting in my fridge. I find it hard sometimes to use up the whites (no egg white omelettes for me - blech. I want the tasty yolks in there!) I'm also not a huge fan of meringues.

But, one of my favorite cookies to buy when I'm at the Italian Centre is Amaretti cookies. I always b-line it to the cookie aisle and pick up a package or two. They are small sweet little cookies with and almond taste.

This recipe worked out really well, however, I didn't make my cookies small (I was lazy and didn't feel like using more baking pans so I made the cookies a lot larger than they should be). But, I usually prefer them smaller since they are pretty intensely sweet. Depending on the size of your eggs, you might have to add a bit more flour if your batch is a not firm enough.


Amaretti Cookies
makes 24 cookies

1-1/2 cups (200g) almonds
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 large egg whites
1 tsp almond extract or vanilla extract

Pulse the sugar in a food processor until fine, about 2 minutes. Add raw almonds and process until roughly chopped. Add flour, egg whites and vanilla extract and process until combined. Depending on your size of your eggs, if your mixture is not firm enough, add a bit more flour.

On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, spoon out tablespoonfuls of the mixture.

Bake for 12-14 minutes, until tops are lightly browned. Cool on trays and serve.

Recipe adapted from: amaretti, donna hay modern classics book 2
