There's a Mouse in my...

mouse in the compost


Don't worry, my compost is not near my house. I'm not usually a fan of rodents but... awwww, isn't he cute? Everytime my hubby would water the compost, this little guy would come out for air. I guess he'll be looking for a new home soon. Hopefully somewhere away from my house :)

apple blossoms

It took a while for things to start blooming around here but finally, FINALLY, my apple trees are in blossom. I love blossoming trees. Spring is probably my favorite season. Fall is a close second I'd say, but spring makes me so very happy after a long, dark winter. Driving around the city this weekend, it's as if someone took out their paintbrushes and painted everything green. The leaves are out and the grass is alive. I was pretty envious of the folks who have beautiful pink or purple blossomed trees. I'll just have to bring my camera out and take a picture or two to put on my computer desktop :)
