It's starting to look green around here...

well, not outside it isn't. But in my basement it is!


The hubby has started his seedlings a couple of weeks back. He has a "grow-op" downstairs, as I call it. It involves 2 tubes of fluorescent lighting and a heating cord to help with germination. Last year, he started his seeds way too early and we had massive green plants everywhere. This year, as you can see, they are very reasonable.

My windowsill has sage and oregano growing. Truthfully, I barely use the sage. I'm looking forward to my basil and mint again this year. We usually have chives and parsley growing outside. That's about the only herbs I grow. Are there any herbs you grow and look forward to every year? I know many people like rosemary, but I really dislike it. If I want the taste of pine needles on my chicken or potatoes, I'd just use the branch off my 50+ year old pine tree in my yard. Blech. No thanks.

Countdown to may long weekend of planting!
