My children won't eat cauliflower.  It's right up there with brussel sprouts and spinach.  Raw, steamed, stir-fried or even tempura-coated, they aren't interested. I have yet to try chocolate-dipped but I'm sure they would just lick off the chocolate ;)  (I jest, of
Wrote by Maki
One of the first things I harvested was in fact from my lawn and not the garden. Once the lawn made it's appearance this year, the familiar green weed that lawn-lovers hate, was also showing it's leaves.  Those "pesky" dandelions are in fact
Wrote by Maki
I'm very fortunate that there aren't any food allergies at our home but I know that this isn't true for many households.  I pondered for some time what I should make for this upcoming episode.  My children love peanut butter but I know
Wrote by Maki
I feel sad that my blog has been somewhat neglected.  June is always a chaos month considering school is ending and there are so many field trips and volunteer opportunities needing parent's attention. My day job has 2 company year ends needing to
Wrote by Maki
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