This month as been a busy one.  I'm putting in a lot of extra work hours, the best that I can around my children's school schedule, while continuing my responsibilities around the home.  On occasion, something has to go to the wayside, and that something
Wrote by Maki
Before our stay in Austria the only German I knew was Gesundheit and Volkswagen.  And Danke but that is about it. Once we arrived, the grocery store is where I picked up more German.  Standing in the produce section, I'd be staring at the onions
Wrote by Maki
In my everyday cooking, when a recipe calls for mushrooms, I typically buy the white button variety.  They seem to be the most common variety available in supermarkets here in my city.  Once in a while, I will venture out and try different varieties: cremini,
Wrote by Maki
I'm not sure how many of my friends ate figs throughout their childhood but I have plenty memories of eating them.  Not fresh figs but the dried version that comes packed so perfectly into a circular pattern, one fig next to the other,
Wrote by Maki
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