Amber's Brewing Company Tour, MakiB Photography, Edmonton, Alberta, Photographer, In My Element, Blog  A couple of months ago, the hubby and I, along with fellow foodies Phil and Robyn, attended the Amber's Brewing Company brewery tour.  Amber's Brewing Company Tour, MakiB Photography, Edmonton, Alberta, </div><div class=
Wrote by Maki
On Sunday, I headed down to Churchill Square for the Atco Gas Blue Flame Cook-off at the Taste of Edmonton. Can you believe the above setup! Individual kitchens in the outdoors!  What makes this event even more interesting was that it was some of
Wrote by Maki
We have been eating a lot of grilled cheese lately. I kid you not. I'm not one of those lucky folks with AC in the house and with the hot, sticky weather, there is no way I want to turn on the oven.
Wrote by Maki

BBQ Weekend

/  July 07, 2012
I often tell people I'm a vegetarian that eats meat. Happy BBQ weekend!
Wrote by Maki
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