(Rhubarb) Not sure why it is, but every year at this time, I find it's always a bit hard for me to blog.  Maybe it's because I'm tired of cooking during the long winter which leads to a lull of activity in the kitchen.
Wrote by Maki


/  May 18, 2012
I'm so fortunate to look out my kitchen window and see the above apple tree.  Spring is such a glorious time.  I've been watching new growth emerge around me and I can't seem to get enough of it. Though I am not an
Wrote by Maki
(Turkey Tuesday Lunch Special, High Level Diner) Comfort food. I'm a big fan of comfort food. When I go out to eat, most times I am not interested in a salad or some other light fare, I want a mouthful with every bite.
Wrote by Maki
There are many funny things that happen when you are a food blogger.  You learn to wait for your food.  The family gets the boring plates while the one styled plate is being photographed.  You often eat your food cold and sometimes so
Wrote by Maki
Wrote by Maki
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