Giveaway: Tetley Colour Therapy Gift Basket


It's been a rough week for me. I got hit with strep throat. Very badly. I spent 4-5 days in bed and the couch. I'm walking around today but I'm nowhere near 100%. The back of my throat, wow, you can probably write a science fiction novel about it. It's that scary.

There hasn't been much eating or doing of anything around here. So the ole blog is looking dusty from not being used but I think it will be that way for the rest of the week too. Sorry. Life trumps. I'm taking care of myself, resting on my couch, watching tv and sipping on tea.

Did I just mention tea?

Uh huh. The marketing peeps for Tetley Tea asked if I would be interested in giving away a basket of their teas!

How about winning yourself a basket of Tetley Teas? So perfect for our Canadian winters.

What do you have to do? Leave me a comment and you'll be entered to win this fantastic gift! (Sorry, open to Canadians -excluding Quebec- only). Good luck!

Here's the details and photos provided:


Tetley Tea is on a mission to help Canadians get more "colourful" with their new line of herbal teas. As you know, colour influences our lives every day. In the home, a bedroom that's painted paled blue an have a calming affect. Wearing red can illicit a sense of energy and excitement. Our colour choices can have dramatic effects on our mood and well being. Now you can match or even influence your mood using colour with this new line of herbal teas for a little Tetley Colour Therapy.

Discover which tea will suit your mood by visiting

open basket

The Giveaway is ONE Tetley Tea Colour Therapy Gift Basket (worth approx. $70) with 2 containers each of tea, a canister/tea pot and 50 mood influencing greeting cards for you to offer up as a prize.

This giveaway is limited to within Canada only (excluding Quebec). Leaving a comment on my blog enters you a chance to win. One randomly-picked winner will be chosen. Contest closes Friday, December 10th, 2010, 12:00pm Mountain Time.
