Weekly Photos: Sick Kids

sick at home

This week has been a tough week for this stay-home mommy. I've had zero alone time.

You get used to having even just a few hours, a couple times a week, free of kids but when that gets taken away... you miss it.

You miss it a lot.

My kids have been ill. And whiny. And cranky. And... well, you get the picture.

It's been a long week of tv watching, coloring, playing cards and of course, fort building.

Building Forts

Did I mention fort building? I now know why my mom hated us children playing with her sofa cushions.

There seems to be trails of discarded tissues where ever the children were and a clutter of toys.

But tomorrow is Monday and they are back to school for a few hours. I will have some quiet time for myself, to recharge my patience levels and get my pillow cushions back in order.

Here's hoping I dodged the sick germs.
