I had grand plans to showcase some yummy Christmas cookies all December long but I received so much baking from a cookie exchange, that there was no need to bake.I meant to post some yummy looking pictures of homemade comfort foods but there
Wrote by Maki
Yesterday, I did my post on gingerbread schoolhouses. I got a message from my hubby and my sister asking "where's the other house!"Well, yes indeed. Where is the "other" house. I must give credit where credit is due.From the extra gingerbread dough, I
Wrote by Maki
Last year, we bought a gingerbread house. The one that come in a kit, with all the candies and icing. Nice and easy. Except, the kids were much more interested in the candy than the actual gingerbread house.This year, there was a bit
Wrote by Maki

relaxing evening in

/  December 11, 2009
This is what I'm doing right now.We are having a relaxing evening in. No stress, no plans and no running around.Just a couple glasses of wine and a box of chocolates with the warm glow of the Christmas tree in the background.It's the
Wrote by Maki
When life gets busy, a stir fry is a nice way to still eat healthy but doesn't take up a lot of time in the kitchen.bon appetit! ...chicken and sweet potato stir-fryserves 42 chicken breasts, chopped1 clove garlic, minced1 medium onion, chopped1 small
Wrote by Maki

pretty kitchen tools

/  December 08, 2009
I bought myself an early Christmas present. A new flash for my camera! Which I'm excited about because now I can experiment with taking my flash off-camera, which I was never able to do before. However, with all the busy-ness of pre-Christmas, Christmas
Wrote by Maki
I was pushing the grocery cart and stopped in front of the big sign: "Persimmons: 3 for $0.99"There was a gentleman, who was filling the two plastic bags full of these fruit. "Excuse me. I've never tried these before. Can you tell me
Wrote by Maki
It was near the end of august and we were visiting my in-laws at their home on their acreage. "Next week, the saskatoons will be ready, bring your pail and we'll pick them" my father in law said to us.The next week, we
Wrote by Maki
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