I've tried all sorts of hummus. I find some are too lemony in taste. Some too garlicky or not enough. Others, too much tahini and some just don't have the amount of salt I prefer. I tend to add more salt than stated
Wrote by Maki
Sometimes I crave a chocolate chip cookie. Melted chips within a soft cookie with crispy edges. That seems like heaven. I feel like I'm salivating just typing that.I came upon this recipe for triple chocolate chip cookies but unfortunately lacked that third chocolate
Wrote by Maki
Life is a bit busy around here, thus the lack of posting. I can't promise that I'm going to be in a regular posting routine for the next while either. Our bathroom renovation is near completion (we are awaiting for some extra specialty
Wrote by Maki
Cherries. That's what you are surrounded by when you drive up to the Summerland Sweets Store and Sleeping Giant Winery.Surrounded by a beautiful orchard, trees full of cherries for as far as the eye can see.I was like a kid in the candy
Wrote by Maki
We headed off to our vacation in Summerland, British Columbia.And I just HAVE to mention the wonderful B&B we stayed at while we were there. When I viewed Glenoka Bed and Breakfast online, it looked charming and sounded like a place that the
Wrote by Maki
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