Don't tell me you haven't gone through IKEA and picked up a bag of these! (I've seen them at other stores too). I've done so at least twice, by looking through the sheer amount of them in my kitchen drawers. So handy, I
Wrote by Maki
I attended the 2nd Edmonton Foodie Meetup. This time around, it was decided upon a potluck picnic in Dawson Park. I was running a bit late, making up my crostini's as fast as I can. I was all set to go, did a
Wrote by Maki
Every once in a while, I want a meatless burger. But finding a good one is hard. Vegetarian burgers are not all created equal, that's for sure. Plus, people want different things from their vegie burgers.So, when I saw this recipe in Gourmet
Wrote by Maki
My hubby made these. He's one of those low carb/high protein lovin "freaks". He's often tweaking most of the recipes that he touches. While I don't necessarily hate low carb recipes, I find that a lot of them are misses instead of hits.
Wrote by Maki
Sometimes it's the pits and other times it's so sweet.I've had a busy week around here. Haven't gotten around to much blogging.I thought I'd continue on with my cherry cravings and post a pic I took a while ago. These aren't as tasty
Wrote by Maki
It was about a month and a half ago that I made these muffins. Well before you get can get fresh cherries in the store. I had hankering for cherries and bought some dried cherries at the Italian Store. Then about that time
Wrote by Maki

Culinary Q & A

/  June 12, 2009
Hey folks!Fellow food blogger, Sharon, over at Only Here For the Food, has posted a Culinary Q & A with, yes, you guessed it, ME!So, go Check it Out.Also, if you are a foodie and are interested in meeting other food bloggers and
Wrote by Maki
You can buy premade flan cakes and top it with all your own fruits and fillings. I often see them at grocery stores, sometimes right in the produce section with all the fruits! They have a nice soft almost spongy-like feel to them.But
Wrote by Maki
You know, I would have never EVER thought that my furnace would turn on in JUNE. Yeah, JUNE! It's been a chillier week here so it's a perfect time for something like a shephard's pie.I tend to make shepherd's pie when I have
Wrote by Maki
When we go grocery shopping, it seems like we buy the same staple vegetables every time we go. But then, the grocery store usually only carries what it seems like the same staple vegies. I wanted to pick up something I haven't eaten
Wrote by Maki
I remember as a child, looking at the fruit bowl and slowly touching each fruit before I chose one. I'm sure my mom told me, as I tell my own children, not to touch all the fruit but to just pick one. But
Wrote by Maki
I hate when life gets in the way of my blogging ;) And now that the weather is nicer, my kids don't let me sit at my computer very much throughout the day. We'll see how much I am blogging during the summer
Wrote by Maki
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