
/  July 30, 2007
These babies, they're far-from-afel! Many years ago, I tasted a falafel pita sandwich and I was instantly hooked. The texture and taste of this vegetarian dish is very unique. I remember googling falafels to learn more about them and how to make them.
Wrote by Maki
Couscous is made from wheat and is very small and granular. Most supermarkets carry the already pre-steamed versions and I've seen them in whole wheat varieties too. I like to experiment with various rices and grains. Couscous is so simple and easy, especially
Wrote by Maki
I wish I could say I have some fabulous recipe that I used to put these beauties to work but alas, I have none. We are eating them right off the branches. And really, why not, they are best that way! There are
Wrote by Maki
I have to say right off the bat that I am not responsible for these beauties. All kudos go to my husband who is the master crepe maker in our home. They turn out light, fluffy and all in one piece. Unlike my
Wrote by Maki
I love summer because of the barbecue season. Sinking my teeth into a burger on a nice hot day is pretty damn nice. (Don't forget the beer too!) We eat a lot of burgers because of all the get togethers we have with
Wrote by Maki
When I think of kidney beans, I think of chili. I rarely think of them for other uses though I'm sure there are a variety of uses for them that I need to explore. It wasn't until my mother made a 3 bean
Wrote by Maki
What do you put on your blog as your first post? A cookie recipe of course! (Yes, a chocolate torte would have been nice too but quite frankly, I think I need to start small.) Though the original recipe called for peanut butter,
Wrote by Maki


/  July 14, 2007
Photography:Please visit my official website, MakiB Photography, to view my portfolio.Tips and Tidbits: I'm a self-taught photographer and have a deep love for photography. I often have people asking about camera equipment and photography. Here are my basic tips for you newbies out
Wrote by Maki


/  July 14, 2007
...Looking to advertise?I have started offering sponsor advertising on my blog. It will be displayed in the right most column of my blog. First come, first serve, in regards to order.Your choices are:Text LinkJpg/Gif Links(up to 150 pixels height/width)My rates are really reasonable.
Wrote by Maki


/  July 14, 2007
About My Blog: I mostly consider my blog a “photo blog” with a huge bent toward food. Though I am adding more non-food photography posts. I often tell people that I started this blog as a way to practice my photography. My children
Wrote by Maki
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