September 29, 2010

Mango Ice Cream

Mango Ice Cream

I bought a large box of mangoes in the summer and thought I'd be eating mango everyday and doing all sorts of desserts but things came up and suddenly these oval, fragrant fruits all seemed to get ripe at the same time.

Knowing I would not be able to use them up, I started sharing with my friends. I hate wasted food. We ate a few and then it came down to 3 left and I felt like mango ice cream. However, I couldn't make a typical custard based ice cream because I didn't have any eggs on hand so I scoured some of my cookbooks and the Internet.

I had a hard time finding something that fit the bill so this is where I decided to experiment. Every once in a while, I get the urge to do this and it takes me back to my days of being a lab rat and throwing chemicals together. Very similar practice, baking/cooking and chemistry, is what I say often to people.

The recipe turned out well enough, though it was really HARD to scoop. You have to let it warm up a bit from the freezer. Maybe another hit of vodka would have made it a bit easier. I'm talking about a shot into the ice cream, not for myself. haha.


Mango Ice Cream
makes about 1 liter

600g (pulp of 3 mangoes) pureed mango
1 tsp lemon juice
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup table cream (18% mf)
1 cup sour cream
1 tbsp vodka

Puree the pulp of 3 mangoes in a food processor until smooth. Blend in the lemon juice. Set aside.

In a saucepan, dissolve the sugar with the cream over medium heat. Remove from heat. Add pureed mango, sour cream and vodka.

Chill for a couple hours or overnight. Freeze according to manufacturer's instructions.


  1. This looks amazing! I found out this summer that I have an intense love for Mangos! Your photo looks great too!

  2. hey Maki,

    your mango ice cream sounds super easy to make - i love "easy"! Your picture was what really got me though, looks beautiful and so yummy. ok, i have to admit, the vodka may have had something to do with it too ;-)

  3. Sarah: I really like mangoes too, except for when there are a box of them all ripe ready to be used at once! :)

    lequan: I'm all about easy recipes!!! I found the 1 tbsp vodka wasn't enough to prevent the hard freezing, so add a bit more I guess! But not too much or you will have to call it frozen mango vodka cocktail.

  4. MMMM I got to taste this yummy treat and it was fantastic. I'm all for adding more vodka!
