July 15, 2016

Cream Cheese Icing

I'm having a horrible day.  Several weeks back I turned on the Auto Uploader setting in my Flickr account so the photos from my phone would just automatically upload to my account.  However, I realized that it didn't auto sync, thus if I deleted it from my phone, it wouldn't delete from my Flickr albums.  I found this somewhat annoying to have to delete from my phone and then from my Flickr album thus I decided to stop auto uploading the photos.

I then decided I wanted to just remove the Auto Uploader album from my Flickr account and just leave it for photos that I purposely upload to Flickr.  I google searched how to delete albums from Flickr, since it isn't intuitive from their interface.  This is where things went very, very badly.  I was sure I chose the auto uploader album and hit yes to delete all.  Unfortunately, it deleted ALL MY PHOTOS.  My entire photostream!  I'm not sure how I chose Photostream Album instead of Auto Uploader Album but I must have. Now my blog has no pictures since the photos where grabbed from my Flickr photostream.  I am in tears.  I sent an email to Flickr, begging them to restore my photostream.  I'm not sure if they can even do that but it is worth asking since I am beside myself.  I feel like a giant idiot.

So in light of my chaos this morning I thought I'd post about the Cream Cheese Icing I made for my hubby's birthday cake last month.  Because you know, cake and icing are comfort foods, there to assist your soul when things go bad.

Oh, how I wish there was a big cake full of frosting in front of me right now.

***insert sobbing sounds here***


My husband's favorite cake is probably cheesecake but I already had prepared chocolate layer cakes in the freezer so I decided to make cream cheese icing instead.  I had this vision of making a multi-layer chocolate cake with thick cream cheese layers as I have seen before in magazines and online.  I decided to wing it, because that is what I do sometimes. I was already super busy prepping for guests arriving  I'm not sure what I was thinking because I could have google searched recipes but I often just go for it and have my friends/family be my guinea pigs.  Most of the time it works out for me, sometimes not.  This time it actually did!  This cake has 1 KILOGRAM of cream cheese!  Sometimes you really do need to go big or go home!  Though I admit, the whole time I was stressing out thinking that the cake would deflate or the icing would just run down the side with every passing hour it sat waiting to be served.  I prepped it in the morning and walked away until I served it in the evening.  Here it is, in all it's glory,  1 KILOGRAM of CREAM CHEESE!!!

My mother in law told me about Dr. Oetker. Whip It the week before, that she uses it to stabilize her whipping cream, so this is where my idea of my stabilized cream cheese came to mind .  I figured I could use it to stabilize my cream cheese.  I used spreadable cream cheese, I'm sure you can use regular cream cheese but you might need to change ratios.
