June 23, 2016

Loblaws CityMarket, Brewery District, Edmonton

I often tell people that Loblaws should hire me cuz I'm their biggest fan.  People look at me strange but I'm serious. Don't talk bad about my Superstore.  As an avid home cook, Me love you long time!

I loved them back when they were an ugly-painted warehouse box store, loading up my discount no name products in my gigantic shopping carts.  I have not had a product I disliked from their President's Choice line.  Black label, oh yeah!  Healthy Blue Menu- in my cart! Not to mention their in-store Guiding Stars marketing, love it!   I have always loved the "spend $250 and get a $25 gift card" coupon because those years when I had babies, BOTH in diapers, that came in real handy.  Every time I use my PC Plus card and it's time to redeem, I thank Galen Weston Jr. for saving me buckeroos.  It's like getting free Joe Fresh clothes!  Seriously Galen, you need to hire me!

I remember being so jealous of the Presidents Choice Pop Up last year, wishing we had some of that awesome here in Edmonton.  So when I heard that tomorrow is the grand opening of the Loblaws CityMarket store in the Brewery District, I had to drive by on the way home just to have a sneak peek.  I wasn't expecting the doors to be open but YES, YES, YES!

It's sooooo beautiful! The refrigerated wall of CHEESE! The Deli is HUGE with so much variety!  When I hit the Patisserie, I thought I'd died and went to heaven. Died.  Heaven.  I may never bake again.

Galen!  I like it!  I like it a lot!  No, I LOVE IT.  My love affair continues.  See you in the aisles!