November 29, 2013

Minecraft Birthday Party

"Mom.  I want a Minecraft party."

For those of you who don't have children or know computer games, Minecraft, is da bomb in our household.

November 22, 2013

Cafe Bicyclette Opening

While I wish I could be that blogger that is timely with her posting, alas, I am not.  Though I don't feel very sorry about that, for many various reasons, but mostly because I do get around to it...eventually!  Little over a month ago, I attended the opening of Cafe Bicyclette in La Cite Francophone, the french quarter of Edmonton.

One thing I was very excited about was that they had an outdoor area with heaters, fireplaces and blankets! This instantly reminded me when we were in Europe last year and I pointed out to the hubby that we just don't have anything like that in Edmonton! Now we do!  I wonder though, has anyone been there with all our recent snowfall?  I'm sure it's a beautiful sight!

November 19, 2013

River City Roundup: 2013

My kids were glued to their computers, playing some collaborative online game, for most of the morning.  PD days are the "best school days ever!" according to my kids who revel in their pj-wearing, computer-playing and snacking-all-day, glory.

"Hey kids!  You wanna go downtown for lunch?  There is a chili cook off!" I yell out.


I should know better than to pose questions.

"Guess what! We are going downtown to meet dad for lunch at the River City Round Up chili cook off!" I say in my excited, matter-of-factly, voice.
