Look at THESE babies!
I'm really quite surprised! (can you feel me blushing!)
Just over a year ago, I got my camera. My husband's friend, Jason from PhotoAlberta, recommended that he get me a SLR. And I was actually coveting this camera for a while. So what a great surprise to have got it. I started playing around with it. I remember many times thinking that I'd never get out of the fully automatic mode.
I started out taking shots of my children but they move around so much and many times do not want me taking pictures of them. So, it seemed almost perfect that I move onto food. I needed practice and love cooking and baking and the food doesn't move or tell me to stop taking pictures. Perfect marriage :)
So when I saw this CLICK event, I worked up the nerve to send my picture in. I almost didn't and my husband said "come on, what do you have to lose". Well, nothing I suppose. But, I really was not expecting anything to come out of it!
I want to say thanks to all the judges for choosing my photo and also to the kind people that left me comments. You have all made my day :)